rEvo Closed Circuit Rebreather Training (CCR)
Offering rEvo certification through TDI in Arizona (Tucson or Phoenix), North and Southern Florida, Southern California (Los Angeles & San Diego), the Sea of Cortez, Mexico (San Carlos, Hermosillo, Guaymas), Playa Del Carmen, Mexico or we can set up a custom course in the location of your choice. We have experience teaching scuba diving from the Cayman Islands, Indonesia, Micronesia and more.

Who This Course Is For
• Any diver who is interested in learning how to dive a closed circuit rebreather.
• Rebreathers are incredible tools for those divers who are looking to increase the amount of time they spend underwater. They are ideal for photographers and video professionals, wreck divers, cave divers, etc.
• To learn more and see if this course would be appropriate for you please reach out to us directly for a private consultation of your needs and future diving goals. We can help provide the direction you need to get started!

Get Started Today
• All of our rEvo CCR courses are build on demand around your schedule. We will complete a MINIMUM of 7 dives but more likely many more.
• We have rental units available if you would like to do a CCR try dive in confined water prior to committing to a full course.
• >We offer rEvo CCR training through TDI.
•After successful course completion we run rebreather specific trips so you will never be left without a dive buddy. Also once you have logged some hours on your unit you can enroll in the next course and start extending your range.
We Also Offer Cross Over Courses For CCR Drivers Certified On Other Units
Whats Next?
In addition to the entry level user course listed above you can continue to learn how to extend your range on your rEvo rebreather all the way to 100 meters! The sky is the limit if you put in the time and dedication to get to the next level!